…shun political violence
Staff Reporter
Young people are the vanguard of the country’s independence that was achieved after a brutal battle with colonisers, President Mnangagwa has said.
The President said this in Lupane, Matabeleland North Province, in his address during National Youth Day commemorations on February 21.
The main celebrations were taken to Lupane this year in tandem with the Government’s decision to decentralise all national events, to enable everyone an opportunity to interact with the national leadership.
Said President Mnangagwa: “Today, we once again dedicate this special day to you our young people who are the torch-bearers, the future and vanguard of our country’s hard-won independence.
“As your leadership and the ZANU PF Government, we remain committed to playing our part to facilitating a higher quality of life and a brighter and more prosperous future for the young people of our beloved motherland, Zimbabwe.
“The National Youth Day allows you the youth to collectively remember and honour the sacrifices made by the young people of yester-year who took up arms to deliver our country’s independence and sovereignty.
“Our country’s colonial history must never be forgotten. The rich heritage bequeathed to us by our founding fathers must be preserved and promoted. As you do so, I challenge you to recommit to playing your part in defending and safeguarding the democracy, peace and stability that we are enjoying in our country.”
President Mnangagwa said young people also have the “weighty responsibility” of deploying their youthful energy, creativity and entrepreneurship skills, to develop the economy, from the ward level upwards.
Youths of yesterday, said the President, took up arms to fight the racist colonial regime, but youths of today must use their skills and talents to accelerate economic growth.
“The baton is now in your hands. Like the youth that fought for independence, you the youth of today, must work harder for your own victory; a victory of development and prosperity of the Zimbabwe we all want.
“No one will build our country for us. It is a responsibility that we, Zimbabweans must bear. ‘Ilizwe lakhiwa, libuswa ngabanikazi balo’/‘Nyika inovakwa, inotongwa nevene vayo’. Yini abanikazi belizwe. Ndimi vene venyika ino!
“No matter the circumstances we may face as a country and as young people, always remember that this is our only home, our Zimbabwe given to us by Almighty God, in his sovereign wisdom,” said the President.
He said the country must be built brick by brick, stone upon stone. υυυ τττ The President said he wants youths to realise their full potential and to succeed.
But he was quick to caution youths against immersing themselves into drugs, a move that will prevent the youths from working for their country.
In that regard, this year’s National Youth Day celebrations were held under the theme, “Drug and Substances abuse; A threat to Vision 2030; every community’s responsibility”.
The theme demonstrated the need for a collective approach to end the scourge of drugs and substance abuse.
President Mnangagwa said strengthening community-based initiatives on the emerging challenge of drug abuse was critical.
“The involvement of our traditional leaders, communities, other stakeholders and the affected youth, is commendable and demonstrates the unity of purpose in tackling this menace.
“This is more critical and pertinent as the scourge has not spared any community, be it rural or urban. Sound morals, ethics and values, anchored on our African philosophy of Ubuntu/ Hunhu are the essential foundations upon which our nation is founded.
“Hence, community leaders and institutions, including the church should continue providing leadership and guidance to our youth.”
Most importantly, the family – a key socialising agent – must never abandon its responsibilities to nurture young people to be upright and hard working citizens.
“As the older generation, we must equally introspect and honestly address our societal shortcomings that may be contributing to this challenge, especially at the family level.
“It is imperative that we scale up our national responses to the developing trends associated with the use and abuse of drugs,” said President Mnangagwa.
He said it was disheartening to note that substance abuse is one of the leading causes of crime, gang violence, dysfunctional families, injury and premature death of youths.
At Government level, an Inter-Ministerial Committee is scaling up the implementation of multi-pronged strategies in response to the drugs and substance abuse scourge.
Authorities within learning institutions were also challenged to ensure that systems were in place to mitigate against the use and peddling of drugs. The President said the unruly behaviour related to drug and substance abuse must be dealt with decisively within local education institutions. Responsive and holistic strategies must be rolled out across sectors and societal levels in both public and private institutions, to harness the youth demographic dividend towards the realisation of Vision 2030.
During the 2022 National Youth Day celebrations held in Harare, youths appealed to the Government to establish a fund to mitigate drug and substance abuse.
President Mnangagwa said as a listening Government, they heard the request by the youths, and established a fund towards rolling out operational pillars of the task force, across all provinces.
“This should see us realise a drug and substance abuse free society, anchored by young people who are united, hardworking, enterprising and focused on building our motherland, Zimbabwe,”He said.
Police and other security arms have been directed to act decisively in flushing out drug syndicates, as well as dismantling the associated supply chains. No stone will be left unturned, said President Mnangagwa.
Communities were urged to expose those who harbour drug peddlers and merchandisers.
“No one is above the law. Zimbabwe is not a drug and illegal substance producer or peddler and trends to do so will be expunged to defend our country and the youth, who are our future.
“Security at the country’s ports of entry is being tightened to plug the movement and proliferation of harmful drugs and substances.
“To augment these ongoing efforts, the review of legislation and related policy measures on drug and substance abuse is receiving urgent attention,” said the President.
Treatment, care, rehabilitation, psycho-social support and re-integration of drug abusers into the community, are seen as important pillars in the fight against drug and substance abuse.
In this regard, the Government is setting up specialised medical facilities to provide services to drug addicts and survivors of substance abuse. Greater focus is also being given to strengthen the delivery of quality services in the mental health sub-sector and provision of related psycho-social support nets.
At the human resource capacity building level, training within the Zimbabwe Republic Police and other arms of security as well as health professionals on drug and substance abuse case management, screening and tracking is being prioritised.
As Zimbabwe goes to the polls this year, President Mnangagwa called for peace before, during and after the elections.
He encouraged everyone to reject the temptation to perpetrate violence for the country to continue to grow economically.
“The majority of you, our young people, will be voting in these elections, some for the first time. I challenge you to exercise this sacred right, responsibly, aware that it was paid for by the blood of many sons and daughters of Zimbabwe, some of whom were your age.
“The democratic right to vote is a right that must never be taken lightly. It was not given to us on a silver platter. Your individual and collective votes as a demographic group must defend, protect and guard the independence, sovereignty and national interests of our motherland, Zimbabwe.
“Register to vote and mobilise for a resounding ZANU PF victory. ZANU PF is the party that brought about independence. It is the only party with policies, programmes and projects to lift many of our people out of poverty into prosperity. It is the only party with the vision for the future. This must be at the centre of your conversations as the various youth groups.
“Your multi-faceted roles as entrepreneurs, innovators, quick adaptors to the use of science, technology and innovation must see you participating fully in mainstream economic activities. If we remain united, peaceful, and hardworking, nothing is impossible. Meanwhile, the revolutionary ZANU PF Government remains committed to facilitating the youth access to relevant spaces in the body politic of our country. Our promise to broaden your participation in Government remains high on our agenda,” said President Mnangagwa.
The Second Republic has set aside 10 seats for youths in Parliament while many more have been appointed into strategic positions in ZANU PF and Government.
The Government has vowed to continue to empower young and talented people across the country.