January 22, 2025

…cuts walking distances

By Tinotenda Afarasi 

Devolution funds continue to make a difference in communities, through the construction of life-changing infrastructure such as schools, clinics, roads and acquisition of graders and garbage collection trucks.

Councils being run by officials that are determined to transform the lives of people, and to provide new infrastructure in their areas, are developing at blistering pace, while those manned by opposition councillors continue to deteriorate.

For the Mudzi community, the brand-new Chimango Clinic, has brought hope for a better life, and improved infrastructure.

Chimango Clinic opened on February 15.

It was built using devolution funds while the community provided labour, in line with President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s mantra, “Nyika inovakwa, igotongwa nevene vayo/ Ilizwe lakhiwa, libuswe ngabanikazi balo”.

The clinic offers family planning services as well as maternity services, a development that has brought joy to expecting mothers.

A solar plant is also in place to provide clean energy and critically, preserve medical drugs that require refrigeration.

Mudzi West legislator Cde Magna Mudyiwa says Chimango Clinic is strategically located since people from Maramba Pfungwe can also go and seek medical support.

“The opening of the clinic has been long overdue. People now get medical attention within the radius of their homes or villages,” said Cde Mudyiwa.

“Before the opening of this clinic, our people used to walk for about 10km or used scotch carts to the nearest clinics such as Shinga, Chisvo or Chimukoko.

“Such a distance is too long for a person who is unwell, hence our decision to cut it through the construction of this clinic.”

Under the Second Republic, President Mnangagwa has declared that people should not walk for over 5km to access medical care and education.

Mr Victor Nyamutswa, the Mudzi Rural District Council chief executive, said devolution funds have been a gamechanger in his area.

“The opening of the clinic has brought relief to the Chimango community. People used to walk for long distances to get medical attention but all that is now a thing of the past.

“We express our gratitude to the Government for coming in with devolution funds as well as our legislator Cde Mudyiwa for assisting with resources during the construction of the clinic.

“We are also thankful to the community for working tirelessly during the construction phase,” said Mr Nyamutswa.

Community members are relieved that the clinic has been completed and they are now benefiting from the fruits of their works and Government intervention through devolution funds.

Some said the distance to the nearest clinic was too long mainly for expecting mothers and the extremely sick.

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