September 11, 2024

Staff Reporter

The drive to leave no place and no person behind is gathering momentum, with various development projects taking place in almost all districts across the country.

Most communities were walking for long distances to access basic services such as national identities and birth certificates, but the Second Republic led by President Mnangagwa is changing all that and introducing services in almost all places.

The projects taking place in the country cut across all sectors of the economy such as health, education and broadcasting.

Recently, ministers presented their reports on progress made in the implementation of priority projects for the second 100-Day Cycle of 2022.

Higher & Tertiary Education

The Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development, Professor Amon Murwira, said construction of the Midlands State University Law School Complex in Kwekwe from foundation to window level was at 50 percent of completion while the construction of the JMN Nkomo College, Home Economics Block, was 99 percent complete.

In Matabeleland South Province, the construction of the Gwanda State University’s Engineering Laboratory and Innovation Complex which targets to complete brickwork of the complex, had reached 50 percent of completion, with the mining laboratory having been constructed to lintel level.

In Masvingo Province, the establishment of the Innovation Centre for Dryland Agriculture in Chivi district had reached 65 percent completion, while in Matabeleland North, the establishment of the Lupane State University Agro-Innovation and Industrial Park is 100 percent complete, with goat holding facilities constructed and goat breeding stock procured. 

Ministry of Home Affairs

Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage Minister, Kazembe Kazembe, reported that the establishment of the Chipinge Community Archives in Manicaland Province was 20 percent complete, with preliminary survey and expression of interest completed; 60 percent is pending for the archival processing; and 20 percent is pending for shelving and exhibition.

Minister Kazembe informed the Cabinet that the project was on schedule for completion by August 15 next year.

In respect of the redevelopment of Old Bulawayo thatching of the King’s Palace, the project had reached 80 percent completion, with the design and mounting of exhibition panels complete.

Eighty percent of the story line redevelopment was also complete; while design and production of exhibition design is 50 percent complete, with the remaining 50 percent scheduled to be completed by August 1 this year.

In terms of the decentralisation of passport services to Beitbridge District, construction of the civil registry office has reached 65 percent.

In Dotito, Mashonaland Central, the construction of the administration block and five residential houses at a police station in the area is now 72 percent complete.

The administration block is scheduled to be completed by August 31 this year.

In Binga District, a place that President Mnangagwa promised massive transformation when he visited the area in March and April, electrification and borehole drilling for staff accommodation in the area is 60 percent complete for solar electrification, with 40 percent scheduled to be completed by August 31.

Borehole drilling in Binga has reached 20 percent as President Mnangagwa seeks to provide clean water to cut down on waterborne diseases.

Ministry of Health and Child Care  

Vice President and Minister of Health and Child Care, Dr Constantino Chiwenga, informed Cabinet that borehole drilling at 10 primary care clinics was 100 percent complete, with 10 health facilities having been installed with borehole water and water tanks.

The clinics with borehole water are in Murehwa, Makoni, Mutasa and Gokwe North districts.

The construction of health posts at Mushayamvura is 100 percent complete while Nakaluba and Mpambe in Binga District, Chikurunguru Hurungwe District, and Mashayamvura in Chivhu District are 25 percent complete. 

The refurbishment of clinics such as Simona Clinic in Bindura District, Chinaka Clinic in Mutasa District, Nyamhunga Clinic in Gokwe South District, Masuka and Tongwe clinics in Gokwe South District are at 25 percent completion.

Internet connectivity has been provided at 140 of the targeted 400 health facilities that are implementing the Impilo Electronic Health Records system. 

Ministry of Information

Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister, Monica Mutsvangwa, outlined the progress made on seven projects in her sector.

She said ont he Zimbabwe in Brief Production, which is a periodical that seeks to attract foreign and domestic investment and guide potential investors and tourists as well as inform citizens about their country, is 40 percent complete.

The National Heroes/Heroines Obituaries, which will provide profiles of those not covered by the current guide, is 20 percent complete including preliminary works. 

The project is aimed at increasing awareness and appreciation of the role played by liberation fighters towards the country’s Independence. 

Minister Mutsvangwa also said the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) Campus Radio Station installation project in Bulawayo is progressing well.

Presently, studio renovations and civil works for the installation of the campus radio station which would increase access to information by university students, staff and nearby communities within the coverage of the radio station is 90 percent complete. 

The Lupane State University Campus Radio Installation project is 50 percent complete, with the transmission equipment having been provided for installation by Transmedia.

The targeted modernisation of Radio Zimbabwe Transmission Studio Installation project is 60 percent complete, with civil works for the studio having been completed. 

Using its own funds, ZBC has paid US$60 000 to a radio computing services company for the supply of the radio automation system.

The minister said the Realities of the Pledge projects, which target to produce videographic testimonials of Second Republic national flagship projects so as to empower an informed citizenry is 60 percent complete, having collated footage covering the major roads including the Harare-Bulawayo and Harare-Beitbridge highway, Cyclone Idai Resettlements; and some of the dams such as Gwayi-shangani, Tuli-Manyange, Chivhu, Muchekeranwa and Marovanyati. 

The Twasumbuka Community Radio Studio Equipment in Binga, Matabeleland North, is 20 percent complete with preliminary feasibility works having been completed.

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